Questions to ask an Agency for your child


Agency Background and Reputation:

  • How long has [Agency Name] been in business?

  • Can you share testimonials or references from parents of current child models you represent?

  • What notable clients or brands have you recently booked your child models with?

  1. Representation and Contracts:

    • Do you offer exclusive contracts, and what are the terms?

    • Are there any initial fees or ongoing costs for representation?

    • What is the process for terminating the contract if needed?

  2. Clientele and Opportunities:

    • What types of jobs do your child models typically get booked for (e.g., commercials, print ads, fashion shows)?

    • How often do your child models get opportunities for work?

    • Can you provide examples of recent successful bookings for child models?

  3. Agency Services:

    • How do you inform us about casting calls and auditions?

  4. Commission and Fees:

    • What is your commission rate for each job my child books?

    • Are there any additional costs for services like portfolio creation or website listings?

    • How is payment processed and distributed after a job is completed?

  5. Communication and Support:

    • How will we be communicating with the agency—via email, phone, or a dedicated app?

    • Will we have a specific agent or contact person assigned to us?

    • What is your typical response time for queries from parents?

  6. Expectations and Commitments:

    • What is the expected availability for my child in terms of auditions and jobs?

    • What is the typical timeline from signing the contract to booking the first job?

  7. Portfolio and Marketing:

    • Do you assist with creating and updating my child’s modeling portfolio?

    • How do you promote your child models to potential clients?

    • Are there specific guidelines or requirements for the photos we need to provide?

  8. Legal and Financial:

    • Can you guide us on obtaining necessary work permits and Coogan account for my child?

    • How do you manage contracts and negotiations with clients on our behalf?

These questions will help you understand the services and support the agency can provide for your child’s modeling career.